Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) authorized Government Institution 4 years Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Fisheries, Diploma in Forestry, Diploma in Surveying (Rajshahi), Diploma in Livestock and Non-Government institute Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Tourism and Hostility, Diploma in Textile Engineering, Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Fisheries, Diploma in Marine Fisheries, Diploma in Lather Technology and Government Institute 2 years Certificate in Marine Trade course Admission circular 2018-19 has been published on All Students will have to apply through online and pay admission fees through mobile SMS. Diploma Polytechnic Admission Circular 2018-19 will be found here.
1. Course Name:
i. 4 years Diploma in Engineering courses:
1. Architechture 2. Automobile 3. Chemical 4. Civil 5. Civil (Wood) 6. Computer 7. Electrical 8. Electronics 9. Food 10. Electro Medical 11. Power 12. Mechanical 13. Printing 14. Graphic Design 15. Glass 16. Cyramic 17. Air Craft Maintenance (Aro Space) 18. Air Craft Maintenance (Avoynics) 19. Marine 20. Ship Building 21. Surveing 22. Mechanics 23. Construction 24. Telecomunication 25. Envoyrenmental 26. Refregerationa and Air Conditioning 27. Tourism and Hospitality 28. Instrumantion and Process Control 29. Computer Science and Technology 30. Architechture and Intorior Design 31. Mining and Mine Survey 32. Data Telecomunication and Net working 33. Lather Product and Asscessories 34. Lather 35. Footware
ii. 4 years Diploma in Textile Engineering courses:
1. Textile Technology 2. Jute Technology 3. Garments Design and Patern Making Technology
iii. 4 years Diploma in 1. Agriculture 2. Livestock 3. Fisheries and 4. Forestry
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
2. Application Summary:
a. Online application Start: 13 May, 2018
b. Online Application Last Date: 31 May, 2018
c. Verification of application and settlement of objections: 01/06/2018 to 30/06/2018
d. Review Applicant Application Start: 01/06/2018 to 05/06/2018
e. BTEB HSC Vocational and HSC Business Management Admission Result: 10/06/2018
f. Selection Confirmation: 11/06/2018 to 18/07/2018
g. Class Start Date: 01/08/2018
3. Payment Process:
DBBL Rocket
Step 1: dial *322#
Step 2: Payment for Press 1
Step 3: select Bill pay press 1
Step 4: For Self Account payment Select 'Self' and For Other Accounnt Payment Select 'Other' Select Enter Payer Mobile Number (Applicant Mobile Number).
Step 5: entry Biller ID : Please see advertisement as your application Category
Step 6: entry in Bill Number, like: YearBoardRoll, Example: 2018DHA2012364
Step 7: entry BDT.150
Step 8: provide PIN number
Step 9: Sucessful payment complete return SMS from 16216 confirmation message and Send a Transection ID
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
Sure cash:
Step 1: dial in mobile *495#
Step 2: Select payment
Step 3: Entry Biller ID: Please see advertisement as your application Category
Step 4: Entry Student ID :<passing year>< board code><roll no> Example: 2018DHA123456
Step 5: entry BDT.150
Step 6: Enter Mobile Number
Step 7: entry PIN Code
Step 8: Sucessful payment complete return Successufl SMS and send a Transection ID
Board Name: Short Code
Dhaka Education Board: DHA
Comilla Education Board: COM
Rajshahi Education Board: RAJ
Jessore Education Board: JES
Chittagong Education Board: CHI
Barisal Education Board: BAR
Sylhet Education Board: SYL
Dinajpur Education Board: DIN
Madrasha Education Board: MAD
Bangladesh Technical Education Board: BTE
Bangladesh Open University: BOU
Others: OTH
4. Online Application Process:
a. visit: and Application Form Open
b. Input Applicant Roll, Board, Passing year and Registratin Number. (If payment complete you can go next step)
c. Input your Rocket/Sure Cash SMS transectin Code
d. Upload Applicant Photo JPEG Format within 100KB and Qouta Documents JPEG Format.
e. Select your Institution (At least 10 Institute)
f. Submit your application.
g. After complete your send mobile SMS Application ID and PIN Number. Please reserve this Application ID and PIN Number for use future.
5. BTEB Government and Non Governmental Diploma Admission Circular 2018-19 Admission Result Result:
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) Authority will published Their notice board at on 10/06/2018. Also you can visit update news notice board at
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
Tags: Diploma in Fisheries, Diploma in Forestry, Diploma in Surveying (Rajshahi), Diploma in Livestock and Non-Government institute Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Tourism and Hostility, Diploma in Textile Engineering, Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Fisheries, Diploma in Marine Fisheries, Diploma in Lather Technology and Governmental Institute 2 years Certificate in Marine Trade course, dhaka polytechnic institute, college diploma, btebadmission gov bd. www app btebadmission gov bd subject canig. www btebadmisson com. Diploma engineering admission 2018 bd. diploma in engineering application bd 2018. btebadmission. btebaddmission. www techedu gov bd. Diploma serkular 2018 bd. dtedadmission gov bd. diploma in engineering admission 2018-19 Government of technical admission form 2018-19. diploma admission site powered by teletalk. deploma in engineering gov bd. btebadmssion gov bd. Btebadmisson Gov/bd 18-19. btebadmission result 2018. btebaddmision com. bteb admission admit card 2018. Bimt admission gov bd(2018-2019).BTEB Admission (Session: 2018 - 2019), bangladesh karigori board, bteb result, diploma in photography, diploma in fashion designing, diploma in agriculture, diploma in electrical engineering, diploma in civil engineering, diploma in mechanical engineering, diploma in computer science, diploma in engineering, diploma in computer engineering, diploma in marine engineering, dhaka polytechnic institute, college diploma.
BTEB Government and Non Governmental Diploma Admission Circular 2018-19
1. Course Name:
i. 4 years Diploma in Engineering courses:
1. Architechture 2. Automobile 3. Chemical 4. Civil 5. Civil (Wood) 6. Computer 7. Electrical 8. Electronics 9. Food 10. Electro Medical 11. Power 12. Mechanical 13. Printing 14. Graphic Design 15. Glass 16. Cyramic 17. Air Craft Maintenance (Aro Space) 18. Air Craft Maintenance (Avoynics) 19. Marine 20. Ship Building 21. Surveing 22. Mechanics 23. Construction 24. Telecomunication 25. Envoyrenmental 26. Refregerationa and Air Conditioning 27. Tourism and Hospitality 28. Instrumantion and Process Control 29. Computer Science and Technology 30. Architechture and Intorior Design 31. Mining and Mine Survey 32. Data Telecomunication and Net working 33. Lather Product and Asscessories 34. Lather 35. Footware
ii. 4 years Diploma in Textile Engineering courses:
1. Textile Technology 2. Jute Technology 3. Garments Design and Patern Making Technology
iii. 4 years Diploma in 1. Agriculture 2. Livestock 3. Fisheries and 4. Forestry
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
2. Application Summary:
a. Online application Start: 13 May, 2018
b. Online Application Last Date: 31 May, 2018
c. Verification of application and settlement of objections: 01/06/2018 to 30/06/2018
d. Review Applicant Application Start: 01/06/2018 to 05/06/2018
e. BTEB HSC Vocational and HSC Business Management Admission Result: 10/06/2018
f. Selection Confirmation: 11/06/2018 to 18/07/2018
g. Class Start Date: 01/08/2018
3. Payment Process:
DBBL Rocket
Step 1: dial *322#
Step 2: Payment for Press 1
Step 3: select Bill pay press 1
Step 4: For Self Account payment Select 'Self' and For Other Accounnt Payment Select 'Other' Select Enter Payer Mobile Number (Applicant Mobile Number).
Step 5: entry Biller ID : Please see advertisement as your application Category
Step 6: entry in Bill Number, like: YearBoardRoll, Example: 2018DHA2012364
Step 7: entry BDT.150
Step 8: provide PIN number
Step 9: Sucessful payment complete return SMS from 16216 confirmation message and Send a Transection ID
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
Sure cash:
Step 1: dial in mobile *495#
Step 2: Select payment
Step 3: Entry Biller ID: Please see advertisement as your application Category
Step 4: Entry Student ID :<passing year>< board code><roll no> Example: 2018DHA123456
Step 5: entry BDT.150
Step 6: Enter Mobile Number
Step 7: entry PIN Code
Step 8: Sucessful payment complete return Successufl SMS and send a Transection ID
Board Name: Short Code
Dhaka Education Board: DHA
Comilla Education Board: COM
Rajshahi Education Board: RAJ
Jessore Education Board: JES
Chittagong Education Board: CHI
Barisal Education Board: BAR
Sylhet Education Board: SYL
Dinajpur Education Board: DIN
Madrasha Education Board: MAD
Bangladesh Technical Education Board: BTE
Bangladesh Open University: BOU
Others: OTH
4. Online Application Process:
a. visit: and Application Form Open
b. Input Applicant Roll, Board, Passing year and Registratin Number. (If payment complete you can go next step)
c. Input your Rocket/Sure Cash SMS transectin Code
d. Upload Applicant Photo JPEG Format within 100KB and Qouta Documents JPEG Format.
e. Select your Institution (At least 10 Institute)
f. Submit your application.
g. After complete your send mobile SMS Application ID and PIN Number. Please reserve this Application ID and PIN Number for use future.
5. BTEB Government and Non Governmental Diploma Admission Circular 2018-19 Admission Result Result:
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) Authority will published Their notice board at on 10/06/2018. Also you can visit update news notice board at
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
Tags: Diploma in Fisheries, Diploma in Forestry, Diploma in Surveying (Rajshahi), Diploma in Livestock and Non-Government institute Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Tourism and Hostility, Diploma in Textile Engineering, Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Fisheries, Diploma in Marine Fisheries, Diploma in Lather Technology and Governmental Institute 2 years Certificate in Marine Trade course, dhaka polytechnic institute, college diploma, btebadmission gov bd. www app btebadmission gov bd subject canig. www btebadmisson com. Diploma engineering admission 2018 bd. diploma in engineering application bd 2018. btebadmission. btebaddmission. www techedu gov bd. Diploma serkular 2018 bd. dtedadmission gov bd. diploma in engineering admission 2018-19 Government of technical admission form 2018-19. diploma admission site powered by teletalk. deploma in engineering gov bd. btebadmssion gov bd. Btebadmisson Gov/bd 18-19. btebadmission result 2018. btebaddmision com. bteb admission admit card 2018. Bimt admission gov bd(2018-2019).BTEB Admission (Session: 2018 - 2019), bangladesh karigori board, bteb result, diploma in photography, diploma in fashion designing, diploma in agriculture, diploma in electrical engineering, diploma in civil engineering, diploma in mechanical engineering, diploma in computer science, diploma in engineering, diploma in computer engineering, diploma in marine engineering, dhaka polytechnic institute, college diploma.