Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) under Madical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institue of Health Technology (IHT) Admission Circular 2018-2019 has been published. Madical Assistant Training School and Institue of Health Technology Admission 2018-2019 will be the beginning date of 11 June, 2018 to 04 July, 2018. Madical Assistant Training School and Institue of Health Technology Admission related all information will be found in Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) website at Apply instruction, Payment Instruction, Admit Card information, Seat plan, Admission test mark distribution and admission test result are given below:
Medical Assistant Training School and Institute of Health Technology Admission Test Result: [Download ##download##]
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) MATS and IHT Admission Circular 2018-19
For More information: [Admission Details ##eye##]
DGHS MATS and IHT Admission Circular 2018-19 Summary:
1. Application Start: 06/06/2018
2. Application Deadline: 05/07/2018
3. Admit Card Download: 22/07/2018 to 29/07/2018
4. Exam Date: 03/08/2018
5. Application Process: SMS and Online are two system can apply MATS and IHT.
a. SMS System:
1st SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
DGHS <space> First 3 Letter of SSC Board Name <space> SSC Roll<space>SSC passing year <space>MATS code<space>Qouta Code(if any) and send to 16222
Example: DGHS CHI 123456 2017 2015 513, 439 FF (if any) and send 16222
Confirmation Reply: Congrats! Fee received for Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 700/- will be charge application fee to pay DGHS <space> YES <space> PIN <space>Table 1 (Exam Center) <space>Your Mobile Number and send to 16222
2nd SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
DGHS <space> YES <space> PIN <space>Table 1 (Exam Center) <space>Your Mobile Number and send to 16222
Example: DGHS YES 87654321 85 01XXXXXXXXX send to 16222
Confirmation Reply: Congrats! Fee received successfully be for General of Health Services (DGHS) Council User Name (GLASYSKEK) AND Password(a2rsss7su).
6. Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) MATS and IHT Admission Admit Card Download Process:
a. Please prepare a color Photograph (Dimension 300x300 pixel less 100KB) and signature (Dimension 300x80 pixel less 60KB).
b. Go to and Input your User ID and Password.
c. Download admit card.
d. Print copy color print.
b. Online System:
1. At first your a color Photograph (size: 300 x 300 Pixel, file size less than 100kb) scan and a candidate signature (size: 300 x 80 Pixel, file size less than 60kb) save your computer your any folder.
2. You must keep your own district, current address, permanent address (district, thana / upazila, postcode etc.) in English.
3. Admittedly, the names of the colleges themselves need to be arranged according to the order of their choice. Must have to know about college codes 11 to 40 (Table 2). Table-1 will be required to fill the admission test center.
4. Teletalk prepaid has a balance of minimum Tk. 700/-.
7. Select IHT/MATS
8. Applicant district, tribal quota, Eligible for freedom fighter quota, Present address and permanent address Be careful to write. Because something wrong will be canceled application.
9.Must be given a mobile number. After submitting the money, the SMS can be sent to the user's ID and password. Second cell phone number should be given in the second for contact if necessary.
10. College choich option add your choich college.
11. Type validation code and submit appliaction.
12. Upload your photo and signature.
13. Finally color print this copy and colect USER ID. It's very important because This user Id give TeleTalk SMS to pay money.
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
Teletalk Payment Instruction:
To Pay MIHT/MATS Admission Fee Via Teletalk Mobile Phone. Please follow below the Instruction.
DGHS<Space>User ID and Send to 16222
Example: DGHS FGTSRS and send 16222
After Sending 1st SMS Teletalk Reply you with a PIN Number Mentioning Application Fees. Please Note the PIN number and now Send Second SMS.
Go to your Teletalk Mobile Phoe Option and type:
DGHS<Space>Yes<space>PIN<space> Center Code
7. Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institute of Health Technology (IHT) Admission Exam Center and Test Seat Plan:
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) authority Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institute of Health Technology (IHT) Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan will publish Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council official website and
8. Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institue of Health Technology (IHT) Admission Test Result:
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) authority Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institute of Health Technology (IHT) admission result publish on official website
Medical Assistant Training School and Institute of Health Technology Admission Test Result: [Download ##download##]
Any update Please visit here
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
Tags:, www dghs gov bd,, dghs teletalk com bd, doctor assistant, medical assistant diploma, medical assistance, medical assistant course, medical assistant training, medical assistant certification, medical assistant, medical assistant training course, medical assistant training school, online medical courses, medical assistant description, medical classes online, institute of health technology, population health management, health information technology, health informatics, healthcare it, healthcare, health technology, ims health, institute of health technology mohakhali dhaka.
Medical Assistant Training School and Institute of Health Technology Admission Test Result: [Download ##download##]
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) MATS and IHT Admission Circular 2018-19
For More information: [Admission Details ##eye##]
DGHS MATS and IHT Admission Circular 2018-19 Summary:
1. Application Start: 06/06/2018
2. Application Deadline: 05/07/2018
3. Admit Card Download: 22/07/2018 to 29/07/2018
4. Exam Date: 03/08/2018
5. Application Process: SMS and Online are two system can apply MATS and IHT.
a. SMS System:
1st SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
DGHS <space> First 3 Letter of SSC Board Name <space> SSC Roll<space>SSC passing year <space>MATS code<space>Qouta Code(if any) and send to 16222
Example: DGHS CHI 123456 2017 2015 513, 439 FF (if any) and send 16222
Confirmation Reply: Congrats! Fee received for Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 700/- will be charge application fee to pay DGHS <space> YES <space> PIN <space>Table 1 (Exam Center) <space>Your Mobile Number and send to 16222
2nd SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
DGHS <space> YES <space> PIN <space>Table 1 (Exam Center) <space>Your Mobile Number and send to 16222
Example: DGHS YES 87654321 85 01XXXXXXXXX send to 16222
Confirmation Reply: Congrats! Fee received successfully be for General of Health Services (DGHS) Council User Name (GLASYSKEK) AND Password(a2rsss7su).
6. Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) MATS and IHT Admission Admit Card Download Process:
a. Please prepare a color Photograph (Dimension 300x300 pixel less 100KB) and signature (Dimension 300x80 pixel less 60KB).
b. Go to and Input your User ID and Password.
c. Download admit card.
d. Print copy color print.
b. Online System:
1. At first your a color Photograph (size: 300 x 300 Pixel, file size less than 100kb) scan and a candidate signature (size: 300 x 80 Pixel, file size less than 60kb) save your computer your any folder.
2. You must keep your own district, current address, permanent address (district, thana / upazila, postcode etc.) in English.
3. Admittedly, the names of the colleges themselves need to be arranged according to the order of their choice. Must have to know about college codes 11 to 40 (Table 2). Table-1 will be required to fill the admission test center.
4. Teletalk prepaid has a balance of minimum Tk. 700/-.
7. Select IHT/MATS
8. Applicant district, tribal quota, Eligible for freedom fighter quota, Present address and permanent address Be careful to write. Because something wrong will be canceled application.
9.Must be given a mobile number. After submitting the money, the SMS can be sent to the user's ID and password. Second cell phone number should be given in the second for contact if necessary.
10. College choich option add your choich college.
11. Type validation code and submit appliaction.
12. Upload your photo and signature.
13. Finally color print this copy and colect USER ID. It's very important because This user Id give TeleTalk SMS to pay money.
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
Teletalk Payment Instruction:
To Pay MIHT/MATS Admission Fee Via Teletalk Mobile Phone. Please follow below the Instruction.
DGHS<Space>User ID and Send to 16222
Example: DGHS FGTSRS and send 16222
After Sending 1st SMS Teletalk Reply you with a PIN Number Mentioning Application Fees. Please Note the PIN number and now Send Second SMS.
Go to your Teletalk Mobile Phoe Option and type:
DGHS<Space>Yes<space>PIN<space> Center Code
7. Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institute of Health Technology (IHT) Admission Exam Center and Test Seat Plan:
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) authority Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institute of Health Technology (IHT) Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan will publish Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council official website and
8. Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institue of Health Technology (IHT) Admission Test Result:
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) authority Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) and Institute of Health Technology (IHT) admission result publish on official website
Medical Assistant Training School and Institute of Health Technology Admission Test Result: [Download ##download##]
Any update Please visit here
Apply Online: [Apply Online ##edit##]
Tags:, www dghs gov bd,, dghs teletalk com bd, doctor assistant, medical assistant diploma, medical assistance, medical assistant course, medical assistant training, medical assistant certification, medical assistant, medical assistant training course, medical assistant training school, online medical courses, medical assistant description, medical classes online, institute of health technology, population health management, health information technology, health informatics, healthcare it, healthcare, health technology, ims health, institute of health technology mohakhali dhaka.