Bangladesh Medical College admission notice for MBBS and BDS. This admission notice for the Govt and Non Govt Medical College of Bangladesh. Bellow you have to see the full circular and online application process. As well as money sending SMS system. Medical College admission information will update at and
[MBBS Admission Test Result 2018-2019 ##eye##]
Apply BDS in Online Apply MBBS in Online
MBBS Admission Test Online Application start: 27 August, 2018, 12:01PM
MBBS Admission Test Online Application deadline: 18 September, 2018, 11.59PM
Admit Card Issue: 29/09/2018 to 03/10/2018
MBBS Admission Test date: 05 October 2018, Friday
Total MBBS Seat:
a. General Seats: 3128
b. FF Seats (2%): 64
c. Tribal (3 Hill Tracts) 3x3: 09
d. Tribal (Other districts):08
MBBS Grand Total = 3212
Admission eligibility:
1. Must citizen of Bangladeshi by birth.
2. Students who have passed the Secondary or equivalent examinations between 2015 and 2016 and any higher secondary examination of 2017 and 2018 from any of the Board of Education of Bangladesh. There are SSC and HSC both examination must passed Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Those who have passed SSC before 2015 will not be eligible for the application.
3. SSC / equivalent and HSC / equivalent examinations for all education programs in country and abroad will be at least 9.00. All tribal and non-tribal candidates of the Hill District must have at least 8.00 SSC / equivalent and HSC / equivalent examinations, but can not be alone under GPA 3.00 in any examination.
For all candidate, HSC / equivalent examination should be at least 3.5 in the biology subject.
MBBS Admission Test Mark Distribution:
1. Marks will be Counted from HSC and SSC: 200
2. Marks for Admission Test: 100
3. Total Marks of Admission: 300
4. Written Test Total Marks: 100
Chemistry: 25
English: 15
General Knowledge (Bangladesh):6, International: 6
Pass Number: 40
[MBBS Admission Test Result 2018-2019 ##eye##]
Admission Important Mark distribution:
a. 0.25 Marks will be Deduct for Each Wrong Answer in Written Examination.
b. 5.0 Marks will be Deduct who Seat for Admission Test 2017
MBBS Form Instruction:
1. At first your a color Photograph (size: 300 x 300 Pixel, file size less than 100kb) scan and a candidate signature (size: 300 x 80 Pixel, file size less than 60kb) save your computer your any folder.
2. You must keep your own district, current address, permanent address (district, thana / upazila, postcode etc.) in English.
3. Admittedly, the names of the colleges themselves need to be arranged according to the order of their choice. Must have to know about college codes 11 to 40 (Table 2). Table-1 will be required to fill the admission test center.
4. Teletalk prepaid has a balance of minimum Tk. 1000/-.
Table-1 and Table-2 (College Code and Exam Center Code):
(We suggest you As soon as possible complete your application; It's help to found your choice Exam center)
Online Application start:
5. For MBBS click Apply MBBS in Onlineand For BDS click Apply BDS in Online
6. There are 2 option: 1. SSC/HSC/Alim passed and 2. O-Level passed.
Note: O-level applicant before start completing the form, have to collect the equivalent certificate and code from Director, Medical Education.
7. Select your option and click next.
8. Question language, Applicant district, tribal quota, Eligible for freedom fighter quota, Present address and permanent address Be careful to write. Because something wrong will be canceled application.
9.Must be given a mobile number. After submitting the money, the SMS can be sent to the user's ID and password. Second cell phone number should be given in the second for contact if necessary.
10.College choice option add your choice college.
11. Type validation code and submit application.
12. Upload your photo and signature.
Photo must be 300 X 300 pixel (width X height) and file size not more than 100 KB and Signature must be 300 X 80 pixel (width X height) and file size not more than 60 KB. Colour Photo is a must. Black & White, Monochrome or Grayscale photo or any image other than photo will not be accepted. This application is capable to detect image with Facial Recognition. Please avoid to upload unacceptable photo.
Note:This photo and signature use every time in Medical Admission.
Apply BDS in Online
Apply MBBS in Online
How to pay fee in Teletalk Mobile:
To Pay MBBS/BDS Admission Fee Via Teletalk Mobile Phone. Please follow below the Instruction.
[MBBS Admission Test Result 2018-2019 ##eye##]
MBBS<Space>User ID and Send to 16222
Example: MBBS FGTSRS and send 16222
After Sending 1st SMS Teletalk Reply you with a PIN Number Mentioning Application Fees. Please Note the PIN number and now Send Second SMS.
Go to your Teletalk Mobile Phone Option and type:
MBBS<Space>Yes<space>PIN<space> Center Code
Give 4 Center code by Preference with (,) Comma.
Example: MBBS<Space>Yes<space>PIN<space> 15,16,22,51 send to 16222
Admit Card Download:
MBBS admission test admit card download notification will send my SMS and also by declared by official website. Candidates have to Medical Admission test admit card by using User Id and Password. Eligible Candidates can download admit card from October, 2018.
Apply BDS in Online
Apply MBBS in Online
Tags: dghs. dghs teletalk com bd. yhse-panda. www dghs teletalk com bd. mbbs result 2018. mbbs result. www teletalk com bd. mbbs result 2017-18. MBBS. dghs teletalk. dghs teletalk com bd mbbs. teletalk com. Teletalk. MBBS admission result. medical admission result. dghs teletalk com bd result 2017-18. dghs teletalk com. dghs teletalk bd. MBBS ADMISSION.
[MBBS Admission Test Result 2018-2019 ##eye##]
Apply BDS in Online Apply MBBS in Online
MBBS Admission Test Online Application start: 27 August, 2018, 12:01PM
MBBS Admission Test Online Application deadline: 18 September, 2018, 11.59PM
Admit Card Issue: 29/09/2018 to 03/10/2018
MBBS Admission Test date: 05 October 2018, Friday
Total MBBS Seat:
a. General Seats: 3128
b. FF Seats (2%): 64
c. Tribal (3 Hill Tracts) 3x3: 09
d. Tribal (Other districts):08
MBBS Grand Total = 3212
Admission eligibility:
1. Must citizen of Bangladeshi by birth.
2. Students who have passed the Secondary or equivalent examinations between 2015 and 2016 and any higher secondary examination of 2017 and 2018 from any of the Board of Education of Bangladesh. There are SSC and HSC both examination must passed Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Those who have passed SSC before 2015 will not be eligible for the application.
3. SSC / equivalent and HSC / equivalent examinations for all education programs in country and abroad will be at least 9.00. All tribal and non-tribal candidates of the Hill District must have at least 8.00 SSC / equivalent and HSC / equivalent examinations, but can not be alone under GPA 3.00 in any examination.
For all candidate, HSC / equivalent examination should be at least 3.5 in the biology subject.
MBBS Admission Test Mark Distribution:
1. Marks will be Counted from HSC and SSC: 200
2. Marks for Admission Test: 100
3. Total Marks of Admission: 300
4. Written Test Total Marks: 100
Chemistry: 25
English: 15
General Knowledge (Bangladesh):6, International: 6
Pass Number: 40
[MBBS Admission Test Result 2018-2019 ##eye##]
Admission Important Mark distribution:
a. 0.25 Marks will be Deduct for Each Wrong Answer in Written Examination.
b. 5.0 Marks will be Deduct who Seat for Admission Test 2017
MBBS Form Instruction:
1. At first your a color Photograph (size: 300 x 300 Pixel, file size less than 100kb) scan and a candidate signature (size: 300 x 80 Pixel, file size less than 60kb) save your computer your any folder.
2. You must keep your own district, current address, permanent address (district, thana / upazila, postcode etc.) in English.
3. Admittedly, the names of the colleges themselves need to be arranged according to the order of their choice. Must have to know about college codes 11 to 40 (Table 2). Table-1 will be required to fill the admission test center.
4. Teletalk prepaid has a balance of minimum Tk. 1000/-.
Table-1 and Table-2 (College Code and Exam Center Code):
(We suggest you As soon as possible complete your application; It's help to found your choice Exam center)
Online Application start:
5. For MBBS click Apply MBBS in Onlineand For BDS click Apply BDS in Online
6. There are 2 option: 1. SSC/HSC/Alim passed and 2. O-Level passed.
Note: O-level applicant before start completing the form, have to collect the equivalent certificate and code from Director, Medical Education.
7. Select your option and click next.
8. Question language, Applicant district, tribal quota, Eligible for freedom fighter quota, Present address and permanent address Be careful to write. Because something wrong will be canceled application.
9.Must be given a mobile number. After submitting the money, the SMS can be sent to the user's ID and password. Second cell phone number should be given in the second for contact if necessary.
10.College choice option add your choice college.
11. Type validation code and submit application.
12. Upload your photo and signature.
Photo must be 300 X 300 pixel (width X height) and file size not more than 100 KB and Signature must be 300 X 80 pixel (width X height) and file size not more than 60 KB. Colour Photo is a must. Black & White, Monochrome or Grayscale photo or any image other than photo will not be accepted. This application is capable to detect image with Facial Recognition. Please avoid to upload unacceptable photo.
13. Finally color print this copy and collect USER ID. It's very important because This user Id give TeleTalk SMS to pay money.
Apply BDS in Online
Apply MBBS in Online
How to pay fee in Teletalk Mobile:
To Pay MBBS/BDS Admission Fee Via Teletalk Mobile Phone. Please follow below the Instruction.
[MBBS Admission Test Result 2018-2019 ##eye##]
MBBS<Space>User ID and Send to 16222
Example: MBBS FGTSRS and send 16222
After Sending 1st SMS Teletalk Reply you with a PIN Number Mentioning Application Fees. Please Note the PIN number and now Send Second SMS.
Go to your Teletalk Mobile Phone Option and type:
MBBS<Space>Yes<space>PIN<space> Center Code
Give 4 Center code by Preference with (,) Comma.
Example: MBBS<Space>Yes<space>PIN<space> 15,16,22,51 send to 16222
Note: Only Dhaka Board Student and O-level Student select 11 and 12 center code.
Finally After Sending 2nd SMS Teletalk Reply you with a User ID and Password. This User Id and Password collect admit card and future use.
Admit Card Download:
MBBS admission test admit card download notification will send my SMS and also by declared by official website. Candidates have to Medical Admission test admit card by using User Id and Password. Eligible Candidates can download admit card from October, 2018.
Apply BDS in Online
Apply MBBS in Online
Tags: dghs. dghs teletalk com bd. yhse-panda. www dghs teletalk com bd. mbbs result 2018. mbbs result. www teletalk com bd. mbbs result 2017-18. MBBS. dghs teletalk. dghs teletalk com bd mbbs. teletalk com. Teletalk. MBBS admission result. medical admission result. dghs teletalk com bd result 2017-18. dghs teletalk com. dghs teletalk bd. MBBS ADMISSION.