JSC/JDC Result Board Challenge 2018 has been published. Only a Teletalk Prepaid SIM require completing JSC/JDC Result Board Challenge 2018. Requests to review exam results can be made through state-run mobile operator Teletalk. The JSC/JDC result board challenge process is very easy.
JSC/JDC Board Challenge Process:
a. JSC/JDC Result Re-scrutiny Application starts from: 25/12/2018
b. JSC/JDC Result Re-scrutiny Application Last Date: 02/01/2019
c. Application Fee: Single: 125/- and Double: 250/-
JSC/JDC Result Board Challenge Re-Scrutiny SMS Method Process:
First, find out the subject code of your desired subject that you may want to request for Mark sheet. Then, recharge your Teletalk Prepaid Mobile Number Account.
JSC/JDC result Re-scrutiny Application Process 2018
Re-Scrutiny Fee: Single subject required the fee 125 TK and joint subject required the fee 250 TK (Like Bangla, English, etc.) After recharging mobile account, go to the message option and type the below info.
1. First Message:
“RSC<space>First Three Letter of Board Name<space>Roll No<Space>Subject Code” and send to 16222
For General Education Board: RSC<>space>DHA<space>10345<space>123 and send to 16222
For Madrasa Board: RSC<>space>Mad<space>15345<space>123 and send to 16222
For Technical Education Board: RSC<>space>Tec<space>17345<space>123 and send to 16222
2. Second Message:
In reply you will get an SMS which will let you know how much application money will be charged and a PIN number will be given to you through SMS for confirmation.
If you agree to give TK. 125, Go to message option and type
“RSC<space>YES<space>PIN number<space>Contact Number” and send to 16222
E.g. RSC<space>YES<space>654321<space>01710000000” and send to 16222
Those subject has two papers (e.g. Bangla and English) application will be under the one subject code. For Bangla and English Subject application fee will be charged TK. 250
NB. You can apply for more than one subject in a SMS, subject codes will be divided by comma (,).
The Important factor of second message is the Contact Number is very essential here. Result or Further Information will be sent to the contact number of the above procedure.
How find JSC/JDC Result:
1. At first Get JSC/JDC ResultJSC/JDC Board Challenge Process:
a. JSC/JDC Result Re-scrutiny Application starts from: 25/12/2018
b. JSC/JDC Result Re-scrutiny Application Last Date: 02/01/2019
c. Application Fee: Single: 125/- and Double: 250/-
JSC/JDC Result Board Challenge Re-Scrutiny SMS Method Process:
First, find out the subject code of your desired subject that you may want to request for Mark sheet. Then, recharge your Teletalk Prepaid Mobile Number Account.
JSC/JDC result Re-scrutiny Application Process 2018
Re-Scrutiny Fee: Single subject required the fee 125 TK and joint subject required the fee 250 TK (Like Bangla, English, etc.) After recharging mobile account, go to the message option and type the below info.
1. First Message:
“RSC<space>First Three Letter of Board Name<space>Roll No<Space>Subject Code” and send to 16222
For General Education Board: RSC<>space>DHA<space>10345<space>123 and send to 16222
For Madrasa Board: RSC<>space>Mad<space>15345<space>123 and send to 16222
For Technical Education Board: RSC<>space>Tec<space>17345<space>123 and send to 16222
2. Second Message:
In reply you will get an SMS which will let you know how much application money will be charged and a PIN number will be given to you through SMS for confirmation.
If you agree to give TK. 125, Go to message option and type
“RSC<space>YES<space>PIN number<space>Contact Number” and send to 16222
E.g. RSC<space>YES<space>654321<space>01710000000” and send to 16222
Those subject has two papers (e.g. Bangla and English) application will be under the one subject code. For Bangla and English Subject application fee will be charged TK. 250
NB. You can apply for more than one subject in a SMS, subject codes will be divided by comma (,).
The Important factor of second message is the Contact Number is very essential here. Result or Further Information will be sent to the contact number of the above procedure.
How find JSC/JDC Result:
2. Then select “JSC/JDC” on this option.
3. And then select “2018” on this year or another exam year.
4. Then select “Education Board” on education board option.
5. Then select "Individual Result" on personal result.
6. After type six digits “Roll number” your roll number of Board Exam.
7. Then type Registration number [It is new option]
8. Fill the “CAPTCHA code” do it must be careful.
Also you can try this:Get JSC/JDC Result
Institution Wise HSC Result: [JSC/JDC Result ##download##]
How to get JSC/JDC Result 2018 from the Internet in Institution Result :
1. At first Get JSC/JDC Result
2. Then select “JSC/JDC” on this option.
3. And then select “2018” on this year or another exam year.
4. Then select “Education Board” on education board option.
5. Then select "Institution Result" on personal result.
6. EIIN select and put College EIIN number.
8. Fill the “CAPTCHA code” do it must be careful.
How to get JSC/JDC Result 2018 from the Internet in District Result :
1. At first Get JSC/JDC Result
2. Then select “JSC/JDC” on this option.
3. And then select “2018” on this year or another exam year.
4. Then select “Education Board” on education board option.
5. Then select "District Result" on personal result.
6. Then select district name and code.
8. Fill the “CAPTCHA code” do it must be careful.
Get your JSC/JDC exam result by SMS:
This is the most used and popular method to check JSC/JDC result 2018. If you want to check your results right from your home, then most probably you'll use this method to check your exam result.
Go to the message option of the desire Mobile phone you keep ready for sending Message for your JSC/JDC Result 2018. The type JSC/JDC<space>the first three Letters of your Education Board name<space>the 6 Digit JSC/JDC Roll Number which received by the Education Board<space>Enter the JSC/JDC Passing Year. Then send the message to 16222 numbers. Then you will receive a feedback SMS with your Name and GPA. Please send the Message only After Published the JSC/JDC Result by Education Board (After 1:30 PM). Every successful SMS, you will be charge 2.50+ TK (With VAT + SD + SC).
Example for JSC Result 2018 BD by SMS:
Type JSC<space> DHA <space> 136985 <space> 2018 send to 16222
Example: JSC CHI 123456 2018 Send to 16222
[Note: CHI is the first three letters of Chittagong Education Board]
If you use “Teletalk” sim card to get your result from mobile sms, so you can get your result instantly. Because this mobile sms result system is Powered By Teletalk.
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC/JDC Result ##download##]
Check All Board JSC/JDC Result 2018 By Mobile SMS:
1. Dhaka Board JSC Result 2018:
Dhaka Education Board website: http://www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
2. Chittagong Board JSC Exam Result 2018:
SMS Format : JSC CHI 123456 2018 and send to 16222 number
Chittagong Education Board website: http://bise-ctg.portal.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
3. Rajshai Board JSC Exam Result 2018:
SMS Format: JSC RAJ 123456 2018 and send to 16222 number
Rajshahi Education Board website: http://www.rajshahieducationboard.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
4. Comilla Board JSC Exam Result 2018:
SMS Format: JSC COM 123456 2018 and send to 16222 number
Comilla Education Board website: http://comillaboard.portal.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
5. Barisal Board JSC Results 2018:
SMS Format: JSC BAR 123456 2018 and send to 16222 number
Barisal Education Board website: http://www.barisalboard.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
6. Sylhet Board JSC Result 2018:
SMS Format: JSC SYL 123456 2018 and send to 16222 number
Sylhet Education Board website: http://sylhetboard.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
7. Dinajpur Board JSC Results 2018:
SMS Format: JSC DIN 123456 2018 and send to 16222 number
Dinajpur Education Board website: http://www.dinajpureducationboard.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
8. Jessore Board JSC Result 2018:
Jessore Education Board website: http://www.jessoreboard.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
9. Madrasha Board JDC Result 2018:
SMS Format: JDC MAD 3456 2018 and send to 16222 number
Madrasah Education Board website: http://bmeb.ebmeb.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JDC Result: [JDC Result ##download##]
10. Technical Board JSC Result 2018:
Technical Education Board website: http://www.bteb.gov.bd
School/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
Check your JSC/JDC exam result using App:
JSC/JDC exam result is also available using Android App. You can collect your JSC/JDC result 2018 by the Android Apps. This method is only applicable for the Smart phone users. If you have an Android Smart phone, you are able to follow these conditions to collect your result easily. The Process of JSC/JDC Exam Result 2018 collection by the Android Apps (Smart phone users) is very easy like the JSC/JDC Result Collection process via the Online Internet.
If you don’t have an Android Apps pre-installed on your Smart phone, Just Visit the Google Play store and install the JSC/JDC Result Apps (Powered by Teletalk Bangladesh limited). After successful Installation, just follow the instruction of How to get JSC/JDC Result from the Internet and try yourself. We hope that you can easily collect your JSC/JDC Result 2018 with this process.
All Education Board JSC/JDC exam result information:
The result of JSC/JDC exam result 2018 of all Education Board will be published together. Also, the checking system of exam result is same for all Education Board. However, each Education Board will also publish their board result in an additional way.
College/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
College/Institution Wise JSC Result: [JSC Result ##download##]
Tags: How To Recheck JSC/JDC Result, JSC/JDC Board Challenge Result , JSC/JDC Re-Scrutiny Result 2018, JSC/JDC Rescrutiny Process 2018, SSC Dakhil Rescrutiny Result 2018, JSC/JDC Result 2018 Re-Scrutiny Process, JSC/JDC Result 2018 Rescrutiny Process, JSC/JDC Result Re-Scrutiny Process, JSC/JDC Result Recheck process 2018, JSC/JDC Result Recheck process 2018, JSC/JDC Result Rescrutiny 2018, JSC/JDC result 2018, JSC/JDC online, board result, education board result bd, JSC/JDC result bd, education result bd, education board result, education result, education board JSC/JDC result, JSC/JDC result app, education board bangladesh, dhaka education board result, dhaka education board, JSC/JDC education board, education board bd, bd result, bangladesh education board, dhaka board.