Marine Fisheries Academy 40th Batch Admission Circular 2018-2019 has been published on The Daily Azadi and official website Marine Fisheries Academy 40th Batch Admission Registration will be the beginning date of 08/01/2019 to 02/02/2019. Marine Fisheries Academy Admission related all information will be found in Official website at Apply instruction, Payment Instruction, Admit Card information, Seat plan, Admission test mark distribution and admission test result are given below:
1. Online Registration start: 08/01/2019
2. Online Registration deadline: 02/02/2019
3. Examination Date: 08/02/2019
4. Course Name:
a. Notical Science
b. Marine Engineering
c. Marine Fisheries
5. Admission Eligibility:
Ka Unit:
B.Sc (Honors) in Notical Science & B.Sc (Honors) and Marine Engineering
a. Applicant must Bangladeshi citizen can apply.
b. SSC/equivalent: Math, Physics, Chemistry, English: Grade Point 3.50
c. HSC Math, Physics, Chemistry, English: Grade Point 3.50
Kha Unit:
B.Sc (Honors) in Marine Fisheries
a. Applicant must Bangladeshi citizen can appy.
b. SSC/equivalent: Math, Physics, Chemistry, English: Grade Point 3.50
c. HSC Math, Physics, Chemistry, English: Grade Point 3.50
6. Age on (31/12/2019): 21 years
Physical requirement:
Height: 162.5cm
Weight: As per Height
Eye: 6/6
Height: 155cm
Weight: As per Height
Eye: 6/6
7. Written Test Examination 200 Marks.
8. Admission Registration Fee: BDT 650/-
Apply Instruction:
Every interested student can apply for Marine Fisheries Academy via Teletalk Mobile Operator below instruction.
SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
B.Sc (Honors) in Notical Science & B.Sc (Honors) and Marine Engineering
MFA <space> First 3 Letter of HSC Board Name <space> HSC Roll<space>HSC passing year <space> DHA (center) <pace>NM and send to 16222
Example: MFA DHA 123456 2018 DHA NM and send 16222
B.Sc (Honors) in Merine Fisheries
SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
B.Sc (Honors) in Notical Science & B.Sc (Honors) and Marine Engineering
MFA <space> First 3 Letter of HSC Board Name <space> HSC Roll<space>HSC passing year <space> DHA (center)<pace>MF and send to 16222
Example: MFA DHA 123456 2018 DHA MF and send 16222
Marine Fisheries Academy Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan:
Marine Fisheries Academy College Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan will publish on and Notice Board.
Admission Test Result:
Marine Fisheries Academy College admission result publish as soon as on and Notice Board.
Any update Please visit here
Tags:, www mfacademy gov bd. Marine Fisheries Academy cadet admission circular 2018-2019, Marine Fisheries Academy admission circular 2018-2019. Marine Fisheries Academy admission circular. Marine Fisheries Academy admission circular. Marine Fisheries Academy admission test notice 2018, Marine Fisheries Academy admission notice 2018-2019, Marine Fisheries Academy admission Admit Card 2018-2019, Marine Fisheries Academy admission Result 2018-2019.
Marine Fisheries Academy 40th Batch Admission Circular 2018-2019
Marine Fisheries Academy 40th Batch Admission Circular 2018-2019 Summary:
2. Online Registration deadline: 02/02/2019
3. Examination Date: 08/02/2019
4. Course Name:
a. Notical Science
b. Marine Engineering
c. Marine Fisheries
5. Admission Eligibility:
Ka Unit:
B.Sc (Honors) in Notical Science & B.Sc (Honors) and Marine Engineering
a. Applicant must Bangladeshi citizen can apply.
b. SSC/equivalent: Math, Physics, Chemistry, English: Grade Point 3.50
c. HSC Math, Physics, Chemistry, English: Grade Point 3.50
Kha Unit:
B.Sc (Honors) in Marine Fisheries
a. Applicant must Bangladeshi citizen can appy.
b. SSC/equivalent: Math, Physics, Chemistry, English: Grade Point 3.50
c. HSC Math, Physics, Chemistry, English: Grade Point 3.50
6. Age on (31/12/2019): 21 years
Physical requirement:
Height: 162.5cm
Weight: As per Height
Eye: 6/6
Height: 155cm
Weight: As per Height
Eye: 6/6
7. Written Test Examination 200 Marks.
8. Admission Registration Fee: BDT 650/-
Apply Instruction:
Every interested student can apply for Marine Fisheries Academy via Teletalk Mobile Operator below instruction.
SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
B.Sc (Honors) in Notical Science & B.Sc (Honors) and Marine Engineering
MFA <space> First 3 Letter of HSC Board Name <space> HSC Roll<space>HSC passing year <space> DHA (center) <pace>NM and send to 16222
Example: MFA DHA 123456 2018 DHA NM and send 16222
B.Sc (Honors) in Merine Fisheries
SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
B.Sc (Honors) in Notical Science & B.Sc (Honors) and Marine Engineering
MFA <space> First 3 Letter of HSC Board Name <space> HSC Roll<space>HSC passing year <space> DHA (center)<pace>MF and send to 16222
Example: MFA DHA 123456 2018 DHA MF and send 16222
Marine Fisheries Academy Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan:
Marine Fisheries Academy College Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan will publish on and Notice Board.
Admission Test Result:
Marine Fisheries Academy College admission result publish as soon as on and Notice Board.
Any update Please visit here
Tags:, www mfacademy gov bd. Marine Fisheries Academy cadet admission circular 2018-2019, Marine Fisheries Academy admission circular 2018-2019. Marine Fisheries Academy admission circular. Marine Fisheries Academy admission circular. Marine Fisheries Academy admission test notice 2018, Marine Fisheries Academy admission notice 2018-2019, Marine Fisheries Academy admission Admit Card 2018-2019, Marine Fisheries Academy admission Result 2018-2019.